Multi-Mook Melee: The Battle of Rift stages had various enemy units bombard from both sides of the arena.Enemy units had a permanent barrier in their disposal. Instant Armor: Some units eventually produced a temporary barrier that granted immunity against a specific elemental type.This was useful when Returning as the units would quickly travel to the maximum stage they were at and could skip boss stages at the right moment. Others had the ability to skip a number of stages. Fast-Forward Mechanic: Units with the Stimpack ability increased the chance to speed up the battle.Nothing happened after that, and it was just them fighting their way out.

Should the player be overwhelmed, they could return a couple of thousand stages back. Backtracking: One of the main gameplay element was called Returning.The mutated enemy creatures were also playable. Attack Animal: The animal Slugs from the main games all made an appearance in this game.